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let's listen to a song

Here are some hair styles that you can try out.

These are a couple of eyes.
And here are some eyes from the side view.
And here are some eyes with emotional to them.




Tools and Materials

You will need a pen, pencil, easer and paper. A nice quiet places where you can think. Any where outside, inside, and any where you can think!


This is how to make braids.
Step 1
OK, you're thinking "What's up with the braiding instructions?!?!". Well, I think that you'd draw braids better if you knew how to braid. So use your own hair, wheedle someone to letting you braid their hair, or just look at the purty pictures...

First of all, separate the hair into three sections. Try to make them the same size as much as possible.

Step 1
Step 2
Now, take the left most section of hair and cross it over the middle section
Step 2
Step 3
Now, take the right most section of hair and cross it over the left most section, now the center.
Step 3
Step 4
Now take the center section, that is now the left section and cross it over the right section.
Step 4
Step 5
Then, take the left section that was moved to the right and cross it over the middle section that went over the right section of hair. ...If this sounds confusing just look at the pictures and see where each hair section is going
Step 5
Step 6
So just keep crossing one section of hair over the other until you run outta hair to braid. If you actually braided someone's hair, you'll notice that it's pretty much one continuous line for each section.
Step 6
Here are some easy braids.

If you want more just go to