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All about Gundam Seed
Earth Alliance/OMNI Enforcers
Kira Yamato

Allegiance: Earth Alliance
Age: 16
Status: Coordinator
Pilots: Strike Gundam


A young coordinator who was on the Helipolis satellite when it was attacked by ZAFT forces who were attempting to steal the five Gundams built there. Due to a string of bad luck he becomes the pilot of the remaining Gundam called Strike in the upcoming battles. He is also the only coordinator onboard a ship full of Naturals, which makes people suspicious (Nataru) and hated by those who have decided to use him as a puppet to their own ends (Frey Alester). The worse thing of all is that his opponents include his most trusted friend Athrun Zala. Rumor has it that in certain bad situation, his fighting skills improve and he becomes a killing machine. Though he still considers Athrun a friend, after watching Tolle get killed brutally by Athrun, he tries to kill him in a vicious encounter and ends up badly injured both mentally and physically, and oddly enough in Lacus Clyne's mansion. He also has a mechanical bird named Tori, which was made by Athrun in their younger days. After hearing about the upcoming operation spitbreak, Kira along with assistance from Lacus, gains control of a new gundam called the Freedom Gundam. He arrives in Alaska just in time to help with the evacuation of both forces when Alaska is destroyed by the Earth Alliance. Kira and the others head to Orb where Cagali is waiting as well as the somewhat frightening news that Athrun is alive and well. When the Earth Alliance declares war against Orb, Kira first engages the three new EA Gundams and though he has a difficult time, with the unexpected help of Athrun and his Justice Gundam, he is able to drive them off for now. Both he and Athrun are reunited in Orb and later talk about the recent events along with Cagali. He then participates in the evacuation and in the aftermath of Uzumi's death, he finds out about his true relation to Cagali. Kira accompanies Athrun on his journey back to PLANT and immediately provides cover when Athrun, Lacus, and other ZAFT officials try to make a run in the new ZAFT warship being chased by hordes of mobile suits sent by Athrun's father. He then finds out that Barfelt is alive and has a sad reunion with Lacus who tells him of her father's death (in a way reversing the positions of episode 32).



Miriallia Haww

Allegiance: Earth Alliance
Age: 16
Status: Natural
Pilots: ArchAngel's CIC

A classmate and close friend of Kira in college, she serves as one of the operators on the ship after Helipolis is destroyed. She is one of the few to wonder what the hell is going on with Kira and Frey. She also has a boyfriend named Tolle Kolleg but unfortunately, he loses his life at Athrun's hands and Miriallia is left to mourn as well as nearly taking her anger out on the captured Diakka when he made rude comments on her and Tolle. Fortunately, Diakka apologized in a subtle way for his big mouth.



Fllay Allster

Allegiance: Earth Alliance
Age: 15
Status: Natural
Pilots: None

The rich daughter of an Alliance government official, she goes to the same school that Kira goes to on Helipolis. She is beautiful enough to turn heads, including Kira's. Unfortunately, she has a deep hatred of coordinators and after seeing her father killed in a battle with ZAFT, she swears revenge against all coordinators. She breaks off her relationship with her boyfriend Sai Argyle and seduces Kira into a virtual killing machine. She also has attempted to kill Diakka in order to redeem herself for her actions to her friends (excluding Kira). Since her views coincide with that of the EA leaders and because her father was an important member of the Earth Alliance government, she is reassigned along with Nataru and Muu La Fraga. She then gets captured by Kruze during the opening rounds of Operation SpitBreak. She was last seen with a ZAFT uniform and it seems that Kruze did a very good job in turning her into one of his minions.



Murrue Ramius

Allegiance: Earth Alliance
Age: 26
Status: Natural
Pilots: ArchAngel's Captain

Supervisor of the Gundam transfer during the Helipolis attack, she meets the future pilot of Strike and becomes the captain of the Archangel after the previous captain is killed in the raid. Though somewhat commanding and harsh, she is a kind woman who treats Kira with much more respect than the rest of the crew, partially due to the fact that he saved her life. Murrue has already lost several close friends in this war and in a firefight above Earth's atmosphere; she loses one of her mentors and dear friend, Admiral Harveton. She also seems to have taken an interest in Muu La Fraga. As a result of her actions, Murrue along with the rest of the Archangel is confined in Alaska while Frey, Natarle, and Muu are all reassigned. During the fight for Alaska, she commands the Archangel through her toughest battle. After Kira bails them out, Murrue orders the ship to head to Orb and commands her in the defense and evacuation of Orb.



Natarle Badgiruel

Allegiance: Earth Alliance
Age: 25
Status: Natural
Pilots: 2nd on ArchAngel [More Below]


One of the surviving officers onboard the Archangel, she is an expert soldier who's decisions have often spared the crew from destruction though this had made her cold and suspicious of coordinators including Kira. Since, she is an excellent soldier and follows the party line more closely, she is reassigned. After hearing about Archangel's actions and the fact that it has two new fearsomely powerful Gundams, she is handed another Archangel class ship, the Dominion, and ordered to use the three new EA Gundams to hunt down the renegade warship. Her skills come immediately to the fore when she manages to heavily damage Archangel.



Mu La Flaga

Mwu la Fraga

Allegiance: Earth Alliance
Age: 28
Status: Natural , Lieutenant Rank
Pilots: Mobius and Strike Gundam

Ace pilot of the Mobius Zero, known as the Falcon of Endyminon to his peers, and the survivor of a battle against ZAFT ace Raww le Klueze. He is well known and his behavior helps relax the other members of the crew, especially the captain. On Earth, he switches to piloting one of the two Skygrapsers. He along with the captain are much more kind to Kira than the rest of the crew. Since he is one of the Earth Alliance's best pilots, he is reassigned. Fortunately, his reassignment is delayed when Operation Spitbreak starts and he assists Archangel as always with the Skygrasper (launcher Strike). After arriving in Orb, he finds that he will be the replacement pilot of Strike after Kagari is rejected and goes through training under Kira in order to master the Gundam. He first uses the Gundam in Orb and does quite well actually. As for his personal life, he seems to have taken a liking to Murrue Ramius.



Kuzzey  Buskirk

Kazui Bushirk

Allegiance: Earth Alliance
Age: 16
Status: Natural
Pilots: ArchAngel Crew


One of the surviving officers onboard the Archangel, a good friend of Kira Yamato. This character does not play a major role in how things unfold, but also a very important person who helps control the Archangel.



Tolle Koenig

Tolle Koenig [Tohru]

Allegiance: Earth Alliance
Age: 16
Status: Natural
Pilots: N/A


A young natural who is also Miriallia's boyfriend. Unfortunately, he doesn't make it through much of the series when he is killed by Athrun in a sky grasper.



Sai Argyle

Sai Argyle

Allegiance: Earth Alliance
Age: 16
Status: Natural
Pilots: N/A

A friend of Kira and boyfriend to Frey until she ruthlessly breaks it by screaming at him and revealing brutally that she is with Kira. He also serves as one of the operators alongside Miriallia onboard the Archangel.



Crot Buer

Crot Buer

Allegiance: Earth Alliance
Age: n/a
Status: Co-Ordinator [Drugged Natural =P]
Pilots: Raider Gundam

Crot Buer pilots one of the new Gundams built by the EA called Raider Gundam. He is also one of the three pilots which have been modified using drugs that allow them to have co-ordinator powers for a short period of time. The only downside is that once it starts wearing of, the pilots endure severe pain and lose sight of their true goals.



Orga Sabnak

Orga Sabnack

Allegiance: Earth Alliance
Age: n/a
Status: Co-Ordinator [Drugged Natural =P]
Pilots: Calamity Gundam


Orga Sabnack pilots one of the new Gundams built by the EA called Calamity Gundam. He is also one of the three pilots which have been modified using drugs that allow them to have co-ordinator powers for a short period of time. The only downside is that once it starts wearing of, the pilots endure severe pain and lose sight of their true goals.



Shani Andras

Shani Andras

Allegiance: Earth Alliance
Age: n/a
Status: Co-Ordinator [Drugged Natural =P]
Pilots: Forbidden Gundam

Shani Andras pilots one of the new Gundams built by the EA called Forbidden Gundam. He is also one of the three pilots which have been modified using drugs that allow them to have co-ordinator powers for a short period of time. The only downside is that once it starts wearing of, the pilots endure severe pain and lose sight of their true goals.




Allegiance: Earth Alliance
Age: n/a
Status: Natural
Pilots: n/a


No Information ATM.



Arnold Neuman

Allegiance: OMNI
Age: 25
Status: Natural

Arnold is an officer of the Earth Alliance warship Archangel, and one of a few survivors of the ship's original crew. His personality is very quiet, kind-hearted and professional, he's usually overshadowed by his charismatic superiors, but when the Archangel sustained at Artemis he takes charge and helps the ship break free.



Ramel Paru

Allegiance: OMNI
Age: 23
Status: Natural

Ramel is, again, a surviving crew member of the Earth Allience, Archangel. He mainly works on the ship's bridge, where he manages for the Archangel's fire control systems.



Athrun Zala

Allegiance: ZAFT
Age: 16
Status: Coordinator
Pilots: GAT-X303 Aegis Gundam


Pilot of the stolen Aegis Gundam. In his younger days, he and Kira were very close yet now with Kira on the side of the naturals, it is creating a problem especially with the fact that Naturals murdered his mother in the Bloody Valentine incident and his father is one of the leading war hawks on the ZAFT council. It gets even more complicated when he hears from his fiancé of a politically arranged marriage, Lacus Clyne, admit to him that she likes Kira Yamato. After watching Kira decimate ZAFT forces including killing Nichol of Blitz Gundam, Athrun finally goes all out in an attempt to kill Strike's pilot and survives to end up back at Orb with Cagali who gets into another harsh conversation with him about the war, which leaves them both saddened, introspective, and Athrun starting to doubt why they're fighting at all. He receives a gift from her before returning back to his own forces where he is reassigned to a new mobile suit and a new elite squadron for special forces operations attached to his father's command and his first order of business after hearing of the failure of Operation Spitbreak, ironically, is to hunt down both.



Dearka Elthman

Allegiance: ZAFT
Age: 16
Status: Coordinator
Pilots: Buster Gundam


Pilot of the Buster Gundam and lackey of Issac Joule. Easy to get angry with and he will kill anyone who does it to him or Issac. During the Orb campaign, he gets captured by a very angry Archangel crew and subsequently makes things worse by angering Mirililla about Tolle's death though he does calm her down by saying that he wasn't the one who killed him in Orb. . He surprisingly decides to assist Archangel though it is somewhat interesting.



Yzak Joule

Allegiance: ZAFT
Age: 17
Status: Coordinator
Pilots: Duel Gundam

He is hotheaded and dislikes Athrun for stealing his status in the society of the PLANT. He becomes even more insane when during a battle with Kira, he receives a head scar on his face. This has also created a vendetta between him and Strike's pilot. Ironically out of the four ZAFT pilots at the beginning, he is the only one who had made it out alive after the Orb campaign, and he has to suffer the humiliation of having Athrun and not him killing Strike. The death of Nichol as well as the capture of Diakka may have forced him to consider his stance about the war and wise up a little towards Athrun. When hearing of the true target, Issac praises Athrun's father and does a commendable job but unfortunately, he is lead into a trap by his commander and barely saved by the arrival of the Freedom Gundam, although his Gundam lost its legs when he tried to attack Kira. He participates in the assault on Panama and though it was an easy campaign, he is somewhat disgusted by his own side's tactics of executing surrendering soldiers. He is stuck with Kruze and Frey on the flight back to plant as well as on the jouney to Mendel.



Raww le Klueze

Allegiance: ZAFT
Age: 28
Status: Coordinator
Pilots: ZGMF-515 CGUE


An ace pilot in the ZAFT forces, he is Athrun's direct superior and is lead commander in the battles against Archangel as well as being very ruthless. He wears a mask, which hides his true face and has to take medicine for problems within his body. He also seems to hate Athrun's father who ironically places him in charge of the true Operation Spitbreak of which he leads the opening assault. His preferred mobile suit is the GCUE, though he has been known to pilot a DINN painted in the commander type gray colors. During the Operation, he activates Alaska's self destruct sequence, kidnaps Frey, and escapes while Issac and the rest of the ZAFT forces are nearly left to their doom. He then observes the recent battles along with Issac before heading back out to space with a few souvenirs for Chairman Zala. Before leaving to engage Archangel fleet with his hew GuAIZ mobile suit, he gives Frey a disk, which he said was the key to ending the whole thing.



Nicol Amarfi

Allegiance: ZAFT
Age: 15
Status: Coordinator
Pilots: Blitz Gundam

Pilot of the Blitz Gundam. He is a more peaceful person than Issac and Diakka and considers Athrun to be a big brother to him. He is also a talented pianist and has a father who works on the council and who is a supporter of Athrun's father. He is KIA by Strike Gundam in Sword Strike Mode.



Lacus Clyne

Allegiance: ZAFT
Age: 16
Status: Coordinator
Pilots: N/A


A singer and the daughter of the leader of ZAFT. Kira rescues her after her civilian ship is destroyed. Though she does sometimes have a weird personality, her caring nature helps Kira after Frey mentally pulverizes him and her commanding nature spares Kira from a run with Athrun's superiors. She is supposed to be wed to Athrun Zala, but she starts to have feelings for Kira Yamato. Ironically, she is the first person outside of Athrun's military superiors and Kira's comrades to learn that her future fiancé and Kira were old and very close friends. She also has a round mechanical object name Haro, which was given to her by Athrun as a gift on one of their dates. After receiving the news of Kira and his injuries, she has helped nursed him back to health in her mansion on PLANT was well as face up to the fact that she might have feelings towards the Gundam pilot and must decide whether to join forces with Kira and risk everything by handing him the N-Jammer canceller equipped Freedom Gundam. She is part of a group of ZAFT officials who are angry at Zara and in addition to getting Freedom Gundam away from his hands, she has also managed to get a hold of ZAFT's new flagship and has put it into the Archangel's use. Though it may seem that she doesn't have any sense of humanity and is a rock, she proves otherwise when she tells Kira of her father's death and lets the tension and mask drop from her face.



Andrew Bartfeldt

Allegiance: ZAFT
Age: N/A
Status: Coordinator
Pilots: N/A


A ZAFT solider who has earned the nickname "Tiger of the Dessert". He is sent after the Gundam and the Archangel after they land on Earth. Though easy to get along with, he is ruthless enough to burn down villages to crush dissent. He has a mistress named Aisha and is an expert at making coffee. He along with Aisha fight the Strike Gundam in his custom made RAGOU (orange BACUE) and while Aisha lost her life, Barfelt survived but with injuries to one of his legs and arms and the lost of his left eye. He is also in league with the group of ZAFT officials opposed to Zara and is on the command staff of the new ZAFT warship Eternal.



Patrick Zala

Allegiance: ZAFT
Age: N/A
Status: Coordinator
Pilots: N/A

Athrun's father and one of the leading war hawks on the council He has never forgiven naturals for what they did at Bloody Valentine and an operation presented by him looked like to be truly an operation against Earth in the style of Hitler and Stalin. That along with appealing to the people's anger has propelled him to the top seat on the ZAFT ruling council. Unfortunately, it seems that he has lied to the council in targeting Alaska instead of Panama and when it suffers a brutal setback, both the operation and Lacus's participation in the theft of the Freedom Gundam sends him into a rage that he immediately orders his son in harsh terms to find and eliminate the two traitors. He'll soon add his son's name to the list after he hears about Orb. The war has also pushed the elder Zara into extreme measures such as the use of the Neutron Jammer Cancellers, the creation of the Eternal, and the building of a superweapon called Genesis.



Sigel Clyne

Allegiance: ZAFT
Age: N/A
Status: Coordinator
Pilots: N/A

: The Chairman of the ZAFT council and father of Lacus Clyne. He is more moderate in seeking a peaceful solution to the war and doesn't have the hate most have towards naturals. Unfortunately, this had made him and his supporters the minority in the ZAFT council and due to the recent events on Earth, he has lost his position as leader of ZAFT. He also seems to have a contact on Earth who helped transferred Kira to the Clyne mansion to recover. Unfortunately, he gets brutally gunned down by Patrick's minions searching for his daughter.



Miguel Aiman

Allegiance: ZAFT
Age: Unknown: Appears to be about 18
Status: Coordinator
Pilots: Ginn Mobile Suit


Born on C.E 53, Miguel Aiman graduated from the ZAFT academy not making it as a red elite pilot. Despite not making it as a red uniformed pilot, he managed to make a name for himself and is known as the "Magic Bullet of Dusk." Assigned to the Klueze squad as an ace mobile suit pilot, he pilots a customised orange painted GiNN tuned for higher speed than average GiNNs. When Athrun and co. joined the Klueze squad after their graduation as red ZAFTs, he was their senior and mentor at the Klueze squad. In January C.E 71, the Klueze squad was sent to investigate the mysterious destructions of ZAFT supply bases. While out on patrol, Miguel found out the culprit behind the attacks, Gai Murakumo who was then piloting his own custom GiNN. Both Miguel and Gai engaged in a battle. Even though Miguel managed to destroy Gai's GiNN, Gai escaped and Miguel's GiNN's arm was damaged. Because the destroyed arm was not able to be repaired in time for the attack of Heliopolis on January 25th, Miguel accepted to go out on a standard GiNN. During the attack on Helipolis, Miguel tried to capture the MS Strike piloted by Kira/Murrue after learning of Rusty's demise. Strike had the advantage over Migeul then because of Strike's PS armor. Miguel self destructed his GiNN there and returned back to the Vesalius. Back at the Vesalius, he opted for another GiNN this time equiped with a M69 "Barrus" heavy particle cannon and sortied out once more. The legend of the "Magic Bullet of Dusk" came to an end after Miguel's GiNN was slashed in half by Sword Strike piloted by Kira Yamato. Despite Miguel's death, he will always be remembered as of ZAFT's top young ace pilots. Miguel is a senior pilot for the Kleuze team. He act as a mentor for Athrun Zala, and in Heliopolis, he gave his life to protect his student. He is nicknamed the "Magic Bullet of Dusk" and has his own orange-tan ginn. He dies in the beginning the siries becaue, he underesimated the Morgonroete mobile suits, but his death does have an impact on the other pilots on the Kleuze team.



Fredrik Ades

Allegiance: ZAFT
Age: Unknown; Appears to be about 45
Status: Coordinator
Ades is the captain of the Vesalius. He battle along side Kleuze, on the ship but does not take much action against him. Cautious and practical by nature, Ades is taken aback by his commander's tactics, but nonetheless he is loyal to ZAFT and follows all orders.

Kingdom of Orb



Cagalli Yula Athha

Allegiance: ORB
Age: 15
Status: Natural
Pilots: N/A

A daughter of one of the representatives of the neutral nation of Orb (ironically the one who allowed the construction of the Gundams on Helipolis), she journeys all over the place and after seeing her rescuer on Helipolis alive and in big time trouble, she joins Archangel to help him. She soon becomes the pilot of one of the two Skygrapsers and has a very mean temper but she respects and truly cares for Kira. Though somewhat understanding of why coordinators fight, she considers them all monsters until a fateful encounter with Athrun Zala starts to put doubt into her mind. After hearing of the battle between Strike and Aegis, she immediately rushes to the scene to find Athrun alive and Kira missing, presumed dead. They then have a harsh conversation about the morality of war, which leaves them more saddened as well as introspective. While releasing Athrun, she gives him a small necklace, telling him that she doesn't want to lose any more people who are dear to her. She is very glad that Kira survived when she receives the report from Archangel and brings him the somewhat good news about Athrun. After watching the battle and the unexpected arrival of Athrun in his Justice Gundam, she is the first to head out to meet them both and ironically is the only one with the guts to talk to them since the others are scared of talking to them both now. She is forced to escape back to space while her father sacrifices himself to prevent the Earth Alliance from getting its hands on the port and the mobile suit research facilities. As she escapes, her father tells her that Kira is her brother. She then reveals the news to both Kira and Athrun. She seems to have taken a liking to Athrun and it shows when Athrun returns from his failed reunion with his father.




Uzumi Athha

Allegiance: ORB
Age: N/A
Status: Natural
Pilots: N/A


Cagalli's father and a very important representative of the neutral Kingdom of Orb who is also responsible for ironically building Gundam's on Heliopolis causing much trouble.





Allegiance: Orb
Age: About 16
Status: Natural
Pilots: M1 Astray Mobile Suit
Age: About 16
Status: Natural
Pilots: M1 Astray Mobile Suit

Tomboyish and rough, Mayura is another pilot for the astrays. She is known for her short hair.





Allegiance: Orb
Age: About 30 somethin
Status: Natural
An officer of the 21st Airborne Unit of the Orb Union's ground forces. Kisaka was born in the town of Tassil in northern Africa, and when Cagalli travels to northern Africa to fight alongside the Desert Dawn resistance group, Kisaka accompanies her as a bodyguard. Well aware that it's pointless trying to keep Cagalli out of trouble, he calmly tags along wherever she goes, in the process making sure that she doesn't inadvertently reveal her true identity.

Episode #1 Summary

Phase 01: False Peace

Prologue: In Gundam seed the story is based after the tragedy of Bloody Valentine, the Earth army started the war by destroying Janus7, a colony with coordinators. Enrage with the great tragedy, the coordinators made war with Earth. Then the war between the Plant and Earth began. Some of the coordinators that didn’t want to go to the war went to Orb which is a neutral nation.

In Helopolis, Kira Yamato sits in a nearby city park, watching the news broadcast and typing in his computer. Later Kira’s bird, comes by and lands on his laptop and chirps ‘Tori!’ Then Kira’s friend Tolle calls him. Tolle and Milly, comes by. Torhu tells Kira that the professor was looking for him. Kira says “again?” and Milly says that the professor said to drag him if he didn’t come. Milly asks if the professor needs help from him? Kira tells them that he’s not done with what the professor gave him and sighs. Tolle then asks what there is on the news. Kira says, “About Koashung. On the screen, it shows a big battle in the back of the city. Tolle then said that if that is last week’s news then Koashung has probably fallen. Milly worries and asks that if they were going to be okay, where they are, because they are near Koashung. Tolle says that it’s okay and that their in a neutral country and Orb will never involve in a war. Tori then flies away. Kira then is reminded of an old friend. Images show up of his friend saying that there won’t really be a war, between the Plant and Earth. Then Tori lands on Kira which was really his friend’s bird, but he is giving him it. He then says that there’s no reason to take refuge, but…..skips it and asks that if Kira is going to visit him someday. Then Tolle suddenly appears in Kira’s face and Kira jumps up in shock. Tolle asks what is he doing and he tells him let’s go.

On the outside of Helopolis, because it’s a space colony, spaceships docks in the port. Then a captian in a room tells Mwu that the ships mission has been completed without a hitch. Then he tells Mwugood job for escorting the ship. The captian tells Mwuthat Zaft is floating around Helopolis. He says that Zaft can’t do anything because they are in a neutral nation. Then a group of people in spacesuits leaves the room. Mwuasks that if these people are the best pilots and the captian said they are the best choice for the G-suits.

Meanwhile a ZAFT ship is on a asteroid outside of Helopolis. Inside Raww tells Ades to not look so worried. He asks that isn’t it late. Raww then tells him that it is and says that the price to pay here. He says that the price will have to pay with their lives if they fail because the Earth has the new mobile suits here. A transport ship then lands on the outside of Helopolis.

On Helopolis Kira and his friends encounters with Fllay and her friends. Fllay’s friends bug her that she is lying about something. Fllay then sees Milly. Milly says hello to Fllay. Fllay’s friends then tell Milly that Fllay has gotten a letter from Ssigh and tells that Fllay isn’t telling anything. Kira then gasp and looks at Fllay. Fllay then tells the 2 friends of her to quit it. Then a group of people asks that if they could pass by. Kira and Tolle let them by. Then Fllay tells them forget it runs off to the car. Tolle then tells Kira, a letter from Ssigh and what a nice formidable enemy for Kira. The Kira then says that he doesn’t really……Kira and his friend then arrives at where they work. They enter their professor’s lab, and surprisingly Ssighs greets them. A girl is standing by the door. Tolle then asks Kazui who is she. Kazui answers that she is the professor’s guest. Ssigh comes up and tells Kira that he is keeping a appendix for him. Ssigh tells him that it’s probably works on the Morgenroete. Kira says he’s not interested, but then tells to computer analyze anyway. Tolle then grabs Kira by the neck and tells Ssigh to first tell him about the letter. Ssigh asks what letter. Kira then gasps out that its nothing.

On the ZAFT ship, Cruz looks at his clock, then looks up and tells the ship, Vesalius, to launch. On Helopolis’s port the captian then receives an alarm. He asks what’s happening and a man tells him that it is ZAFT. The captain grabs the communicator and tells the ZAFT ship to stop. The ship didn’t respond. A man tells the captain that the ship is emitting a powerful electromagnetic interference and says that this is clearly an act of war. Then the ZAFT ship releases out mobile suits. Meanwhile a bomb set off in Helopolis killing a bunch of people and damaging buildings. Kira and his friends in the lab felt the bomb shake. On the outside space of Helopolis, a battle started with mobile suits and mobile armor. Mwu jumps into his Mobuis Zero mobile suit and tells the captian that he is out fighting. The battle goes on; the Zaft mobile suit kills of a bunch of mobile armor machines. Mwu launches out of the port with 2 earth mobile suits and a battleship. 2 ZAFT mobile suits then enters the port and into Helopolis. On a hill a bunch of ZAFT soldiers analyze where the earth mobile suits are. On the wreck where the bomb blew up, Maryu asks what is happening. Then the 2 mobile suits come by and shoot the area. Marrue sees it and curses ZAFT.

Out in the hall Tolle asks a bunch of, students, “what is going on?” A student then tells them that they are being attacked by ZAFT. Then the professor’s guest, that girl, runs off. Kira runs of the catch her. On the hill the ZAFT solders jet packed to the area where they kept the new models. Two of them were missing. Then a ZAFT soldier tells the leader that he’ll go with Rusty and the rest to steal the other two. In the hall Kira chases the girl. Then an explosion occurs and the girl stops. Kira then asks her that if she was crazy. Then there was another explosion. The wind knocked out the girl’s hat. Supprisingly Kira found out that she’s a girl and says out loud his famous words….a girl? Then the girl gets mad and asks him what he thought she was before. Then Kira blushes. Then Kira tells her the exit is block and grabs her hand and led her away. She tells him, “to let me go, idiot!” Later they exit, but in front of them are the two new mobile suits. Then the girl knees down and says that she knew it. She then shouts out, “Father you traitor!” Then Marrue accidentally shoots at them, but misses. Kira takes her away and tells her this isn’t a time to shout. He arrives at shelter. But it was full. So then he told the man to take the girl. Kira then runs off to find another shelter, but sees a sniper. He yells out a warning. Marrue then ducks. Marrue sees Kira again and tells him to get into a shelter, but then the door blows up. Maryu tells Kira to come down. Kira jumps down. At the fighting on the grounds Rusty gets shot. Then the Zaft soldier revenges him and shoots the earth soldier. Marrue then cries out the earth soldier name and pointed the gun, but the ZAFT soldier was too quick and shot her in the arm. Kira then runs over to Marrue. The ZAFT soldier gun gets jammed so he pulls out a knife. He then runs over to Kira, but then Kira suddenly recognized who he was. Kira then cries out “Athrun?” Then Athrun cries out Kira. They looked at each other for a moment. Then Marrue wakes up and shoots Athrun. Athrun dodges the shot. Then an explosion blew up between them. Kira, still stunned, stands up but Marrue pushes him into the earth mobile suit. Athrun enters the other mobile suit. Then as Kira and Marrue are inside the machine, the machine started up to life.

Here's an example of a tip I might include in a hobby site about cooking.

Tip 1: Baking with Eggs

When baking, always bring eggs to room temperature first. Cold eggs may cause the batter to curdle, which could affect the cake's texture. To quickly bring eggs to room temperature, let them soak in a bowl of warm water for about a half hour.


Gundam Seed


Season 1

Ep 1 - False Peace
The story begins in year 71 of the Cosmic Era, eleven months into the conflict between ZAFT and the Earth Alliance. One of the Alliance's member nations has secretly developed its own mobile suits at Heliopolis, a space colony which belongs to the neutral nation Orb. But, just as the five experimental Gundams are on the point of completion, a ZAFT commando team enters Heliopolis to seize the Alliance's new weapons.

Ep 2 - It's Name: Gundam
The Strike Gundam, with Alliance officer Murrue Ramius at the controls, emerges from the chaos of the burning factory and squares off against a ZAFT mobile suit. Kira takes over the Gundam, rewriting its operating system in mid-battle in order to take down the enemy suit. He and a handful of his friends are then forcibly recruited by Murrue, who refuses to let them go now that they've seen the Alliance's secret weapons.

Ep 3 - Collapsing Land
Combining their firepower, the Strike Gundam and Archangel manage to repulse Le Creuset, and the Alliance survivors gather to plan their next move. Though the soldiers are disturbed to learn that Kira is a Coordinator, the modifications he's made to the Strike Gundam's software mean that nobody else can operate it. Kira and friends, for their part, are locked out of the colony's shelters and now have no choice but to try and escape Heliopolis aboard the Archangel.

Ep 4 - Silent Run
Drifting in space amid the wreckage of Heliopolis, Kira rescues one of the colony's lifeboats, whose passengers include his former schoolmate Flay Allster. The Archangel, having momentarily shaken off Le Creuset's pursuit, sets course for the Alliance's Artemis asteroid base.

Ep 5 - Phase Shift Down
Kira and Athrun skirmish and argue, until Duel Gundam pilot Yzak Joule cuts in. Yzak and Kira begin fighting in earnest, while ZAFT's other Gundam pilots target the Archangel. Meanwhile Mu has maneuvered himself into position to ambush Le Creuset's Vesalius, and Le Creuset is forced to order a withdrawal.

Ep 6 - The Vanishing Gundam
The Archangel has found safe harbor at the asteroid fortress Artemis but, upon their arrival, the crew are detained at gunpoint. Though Artemis is an Alliance base, it's controlled by a different member nation than the one that developed the Gundams, and its soldiers are eager to seize the Archangel and its cargo for themselves.

Ep 7 - The Scar of Space
Le Creuset and Athrun return to the Coordinator homeland to report to the PLANT Supreme Council regarding the captured Gundams and the destruction of Heliopolis. They arrive just before the anniversary of the "Bloody Valentine" tragedy, in which Alliance forces destroyed a PLANT with nuclear weapons. Athrun's fiancee, the pop star Lacus Clyne, has been sent to inspect the PLANT's remnants as part of the memorial delegation.

Ep 8 - The Songstress of the Enemy Forces
The lifepod's occupant turns out to be Lacus Clyne, daughter of the PLANT Supreme Council chairman. The crew are unnerved by the presence of a real live Coordinator, even one as friendly and gentle as Lacus, and Flay's especially vehement reaction verges on open hatred. The tension aboard the ship is relieved when they at last contact an advance force from the Alliance's 8th Fleet and arrange a rendezvous.

Ep 9 - The Fading Light
The Archangel crew eagerly anticipate their rendezvous with the 8th Fleet advance force - none more than Flay, the daughter of an Alliance minister, whose father insisted on accompanying the fleet to greet her. However, their impending reunion is disrupted as Le Creuset dispatches his mobile suits to intercept the advance force.

Ep 10 - Crossroads
By threatening Lacus's life, the Archangel crew have saved themselves from Le Creuset's forces, but they're troubled by their own craven tactics. Flay is inconsolable after witnessing her father's fate, and blames Kira for failing to save him.

Ep 11 - The Awakening Sword
The Archangel's officers conduct an ad hoc court-martial to discipline Kira for releasing their hostage, and acting captain Murrue decides to let him off with a stern warning. Meanwhile, taking no chances after the loss of the advance force, the Alliance's 8th Fleet is coming in its entirety to escort the Archangel.

Ep 12 - Flay's Decision
The Archangel has successfully joined the Alliance's 8th Fleet, and its crew are warmly greeted by Admiral Halberton, the chief proponent of the Gundam development program. Halberton and his fleet will now escort the Archangel down to Earth, so that it can complete its journey to the Alliance headquarters in Alaska.

Ep 13 - Stars Falling in Space
As the 8th Fleet approaches Earth, Le Creuset dispatches his mobile suits to attack the fleet. The assault is spearheaded by ZAFT's Gundam pilots, among them the wounded Yzak, who is spoiling for a rematch with the Strike Gundam. But Admiral Halberton, determined to get the Archangel safely to Earth, is keeping the ship and its pilots out of the fray.

Ep 14 - Within Endless Time
In the aftermath of the battle with the Alliance's 8th Fleet, Rau Le Creuset reflects upon the events that led up to this point. We see how, after the "Bloody Valentine" tragedy, the PLANT Supreme Council was split between moderate and radical factions. Now the appearance of the Gundams has given new support to the radicals, and the war is likely to escalate as a result.

Ep 15 - The Respective Solitudes
The Archangel has safely reached Earth thanks to the 8th Fleet's sacrifice. However, the ship went far off course during its chaotic entry into the atmosphere, and instead of Alaska it's landed in the deserts of ZAFT-controlled North Africa. Meanwhile, Yzak and his fellow Gundam pilot Dearka Elsman have descended to ZAFT's Gibraltar base.

Ep 16 - Burning Clouds of Sand
During the night, the Archangel encounters a new threat - the forces of Andy Waltfeld, ZAFT's legendary "Desert Tiger." Kira rushes into battle to protect his comrades... to the delight of Flay, whose intention is to use Kira as a tool to avenge her father.

Ep 17 - Cagalli Returns
As dawn breaks, the Archangel crew confer with the resistance fighters who rescued them from Andy Waltfeld's attack. In order to resume its journey to Alaska, the Archangel must make its way past Waltfeld's forces, and so the crew decide to join forces with the resistance fighters against their common foe. Meanwhile, Kira renews his acquaintance with the young woman he met at Heliopolis, who gives her name as Cagalli Yula.

Ep 18 - Payback
Andy Waltfeld's forces launch a full-scale assault on the resistance fighters' home village of Tassil. After warning the village's inhabitants to evacuate, the ZAFT mobile suits proceed to burn Tassil to the ground. The resistance fighters arrive to find their home in flames, and their families huddled on its outskirts.

Ep 19 - Fangs of the Enemy
The Archangel crew and their resistance allies make a foray into Andy Waltfeld's stronghold, the ZAFT-controlled city of Banadiya, in order to obtain weapons and supplies. Kira and Cagalli take the opportunity to do some shopping, only to run into Waltfeld himself.

Ep 20 - On a Calm Day
The Archangel crew and the resistance fighters prepare for an all-out confrontation with Andy Waltfeld's forces.

Ep 21 - Beyond the Clouds of Sand
The Archangel resumes its journey, putting it on a collision course with Andy Waltfeld and his fleet of land warships. Yzak and Dearka arrive from the Gibraltar base to join forces with Waltfeld, and as battle is joined, Waltfeld and his partner Aisha enter the fray themselves in a two-seater mobile suit.

Ep 22 - The Sea Dyed Red
Having defeated Andy Waltfeld, the Archangel crew bid farewell to the resistance fighters and set off across the Red Sea to begin an ocean voyage to Alaska. Cagalli and her bodyguard Kisaka remain aboard the Archangel, and her growing friendship with Kira begins to inspire Flay's jealousy.

Ep 23 - Fateful Encounter
Athrun and Nicol arrive on Earth, and ZAFT's Gundam team is at last reunited. The four Gundams and their pilots are loaded onto transport planes for transfer to the Carpentaria base in Australia.

Ep 24 - War for Two
After their midair skirmish, Athrun and Cagalli find themselves stranded together on the same uninhabited island. Thanks to his Coordinator abilities, Athrun is easily able to overpower Cagalli and take her prisoner. While they wait to be found and rescued, the two young warriors have little to do but talk, and they begin getting to know each other better.

Ep 25 - Land of Peace
In the middle of the Pacific Ocean, the Archangel is attacked by all four of ZAFT's Gundams, and the ship sustains severe damage from their ongoing assault. During the battle, the ship enters the territorial waters of the neutral Orb Union, and an Orb naval fleet sets out to intercept the intruders.

Ep 26 - Moment
This episode is purely a recap of the story thus far.

Ep 27 - Endless Rondo
Athrun, Yzak, Dearka, and Nicol have come ashore at Onogoro Island to search for the Archangel.

Ep 28 - Kira
Kira's friends are joyfully reunited with their parents, who all made it safely back to the Orb homeland following the destruction of Heliopolis. Flay, who has no parents to welcome her, wanders the Archangel and finds that Kira has also chosen to remain aboard the ship rather than meeting with his family. Taking Kira's friendliness for pity, she erupts with fury.

Ep 29 - The Turning Point
With its repairs and resupply complete, the Archangel departs Onogoro island and resumes its voyage to Alaska. Cagalli's father refuses to allow her to go with the ship, and she is forced to stay behind in the Orb homeland.

Ep 30 - Flashing Blades
ZAFT's three remaining Gundam pilots retreat, and the Archangel's mechanics praise Kira for destroying Nicol's Blitz Gundam, but the young pilot is distressed by his own actions. Athrun, meanwhile, resolves to take his old friend's life rather than watch any more of his comrades fall in battle.

Having lost contact with both the Strike Gundam and Tolle's fighter, the badly damaged Archangel has no choice but to hurry onward to Alaska. Since they are unable to search for their missing pilots, Murrue contacts the Orb Union and asks it to dispatch a search party. The crew continue their voyage with heavy hearts, especially Tolle's girlfriend Miriallia Haw.

The battered Archangel at last reaches the Alaska base, the Alliance's main headquarters. The Archangel crew, ordered to stand by aboard their ship, become increasingly anxious as they're left to wait for further instructions. The grieving Miriallia tries to attack the captive Dearka, but ultimately saves him from Flay's own assassination attempt

After the attacks on Dearka, Natarle is harshly critical of Murrue's leadership, and Murrue admits her shortcomings as a captain. Miriallia pays a visit to Dearka's cell, where he confirms that he wasn't the one who shot down Tolle's fighter.

As the Alliance gathers its forces at Panama in anticipation of a major ZAFT attack, the Archangel is reassigned to the Alaska base's defensive garrison. Natarle, Mu, and Flay receive transfer orders and bid farewell to their comrades aboard the Archangel.

News of the Alaska catastrophe has thrown the Coordinator homeland into turmoil. Athrun's father Patrick Zala, the radical new chairman of the PLANT Supreme Council, launches a purge of his political opponents and orders the arrest of Lacus and her father for their treason against the state.

Once again, the battered Archangel finds refuge in the Orb Union. Kira and Cagalli are reunited, and Cagalli's father Uzumi Nara Athha updates the Archangel crew on the current political situation. The events in Alaska have spurred both sides to escalate their war efforts, and the Alliance is pressuring Earth's remaining neutral nations to join its crusade against the Coordinators.

With the fall of Panama, the Alliance has lost its last mass driver, and thus its access to space. At a meeting of the Alliance leadership, the industrialist Muruta Azrael - leader of the anti-Coordinator group known as Blue Cosmos - proposes that they obtain a replacement mass driver by forcing the Orb Union to join the Alliance.

Ep 39 - ATHRUN
The battle for Orb has been interrupted by the arrival of a new player. Athrun, at the controls of ZAFT's new Justice Gundam, joins the defenders and helps them repulse the Alliance assault. With their pilots in dire need of medication, the enemy Gundams are forced to withdraw, and Orb is given a brief respite.

As the Alliance launches another assault, Athrun and Dearka again join the battle in Orb's defense, until the enemy Gundams exhaust their energy supplies and withdraw. But Uzumi knows that their cause is lost, and during this pause in the battle he gathers his forces for a last stand at Orb's mass driver.

Having made it to space, the Archangel and Kusanagi now set off for the abandoned space colonies of Lagrange point 4, where they hope to scavenge supplies. Athrun, having accompanied Kira and friends into space, feels obligated to make a final visit to the PLANTs before choosing a side. And Cagalli shows Kira the photograph her father gave her, which suggests a surprising connection between the two youngsters.

In the Coordinator homeland, Lacus has gone underground and begun waging a propaganda campaign against Patrick Zala's aggressive tactics. Zala is further aggravated when his son Athrun returns. Rather than reporting the whereabouts of the stolen Freedom Gundam, Athrun challenges his father to justify his conduct of the war, and is arrested at gunpoint for his pains.

The Archangel and its companion ships have found a safe haven in the abandoned space colony Mendel at Lagrange point 4, but their enemies are closing in. Rau Le Creuset is dispatched to pursue the Eternal, while the Alliance's new Archangel-class warship, the Dominion, is assigned to capture the Freedom and Justice Gundams in order to extract their Neutron Jammer Canceler technology.

The Kusanagi, which became tangled in drifting cables on its way out of the Mendel colony, finally frees itself and joins the battle against the Dominion. Now outnumbered, and with its trio of Gundams running low on energy, the Dominion makes a temporary retreat.

In an abandoned genetic engineering lab inside the Mendel colony, Rau carries on a running gunfight with Mu and Kira, all the while taunting them with revelations about Kira's origins and the connection between Mu and Le Creuset. Elsewhere in the colony, Yzak and Dearka have a face-to-face reunion of their own.

A fierce three-sided battle begins outside the Mendel colony. While the Archangel takes on the Dominion, the Eternal and Kusanagi attempt to fight off Le Creuset's ships. In the midst of this chaos, Le Creuset sets Flay adrift in a lifepod, entrusting her with what he claims is the key that will end the war.

Azrael presents his prize to the Alliance leadership - the specifications for the Neutron Jammer Canceler, which enables the use of nuclear power and nuclear weapons. The Alliance leaders want to use this technology to address Earth's ongoing energy crisis, but Azrael insists that they devote all their resources to a nuclear strike on the Coordinator homeland.

At Patrick Zala's order, the devastating gamma-ray laser known as GENESIS strikes the Alliance space fleet, wiping out half its vessels. The Alliance fleet pulls back, but Azrael, terrified that ZAFT will use its new weapon against Earth, orders his forces to renew their attack.

GENESIS fires again, this time annihilating the Alliance's lunar base and the reinforcements en route to the battlefield. Crazed with desperation, Azrael orders another nuclear attack on the PLANTs. While the Archangel intercepts Azrael's forces, the Eternal and Kusanagi head for the ZAFT space fortress Jachin Due, where GENESIS is being readied for one final blast.

The battle between the Archangel and the Dominion is over, and the Alliance fleet has been decisively defeated. Nonetheless, Patrick Zala is determined to see the war through to its conclusion by turning the power of GENESIS against Earth itself, thus exterminating all Naturals.


In this area I may include a list of all the tips on this page, to make the page easier to scan. For example:

Tip 1:Baking with Eggs
Tip 2
Tip 3